Connecting to the SELF, The Absolute TRUTH, Love, Cosmic Consciousness, Illumined Self / Infinite Self - I S, is at the heart of LiberatingTouch®.
Our LT Instructors and Facilitators are leaders in their field, creative alchemists, intuitive mentors and liberators. They guide you to reconnect with Truth so you can know expansive innate JOY.
They help bring about:
- Inspired Understanding
- Awareness and Clarifying Communication
- Congruent Action and freedom from fear
- Profound Transformation and Healing
The LiberatingTouch® Global Team
Our team of independant LiberatingTouch® (LT) Instructors and Facilitators work online and in-person to support you in connecting to the Power of LOVE & TRUTH, within you and all around you.
They are experienced Wellness Educators, skilled compassionate professionals, accomplished workshop presenters and intuitive Healers, Artists, Coaches and Guides.
Please contact them directly to discuss their availaibilty and charges.
What happens in a session
Your LiberatingTouch® Facilitator is here to help you navigate life's experiences, the ups and downs. They'll ask you inspired questions that really get to the heart of things.
Picture it like this: they're like a compassionate guide, using both meditative inquiry and gentle touch to help you find your way to healing. For example, they might ask you things like, "What do you really want? How do you take care of yourself? And who would you be if you were free from fear?" These questions aren't meant to stress you out, but to help you understand yourself better and let go of any negative (disempowering) baggage you're carrying. It's all about finding your truth and letting go of what doesn't serve you. Through this process, you'll reconnect with your intuition, find some real moments of clarity (joy), and step into freedom.
Emotions related to rage, grief, and fear if not expressed or resolved can fester and become attitudes and then show up as mental confusion and volatility, or solidify as physical projects. The job of a LiberatingTouch® Facilitator is to help you experience and resolve in a safe way fear, rage and grief (and all underlying associations), while creating a loving environment of seeking, playing, and understanding. It is a deeply enriching and nourishing experience for both you and the facilitator.
Would you like to read the LiberatingTouch® (LT) Facilitator Promise to Clients and Students? Click here to read to the LT Facilitator Assurance to you.
Let's Meet the LT Team
Our Global Team has 12 LiberatingTouch® Facilitators including 4 LiberatingTouch® Instructors
Angela Kirk - Instructor
Angela is a compassionate holistic healer with a background in Nursing. She uses her intuitive ability to help with emotional challenges and often meets clients when they are at a crossroads of their lives. Her aim is to create a safe space for you to relax and have an opportunity to revitalise and reclaim your power. Having investigated the many pathways of healing, Angela knows how to help you prioritise what matters in your life now and guide you to freedom.
You can listen to Angela lead the LT Harmony in Daily Living Meditation by clicking here
Email: angela.wellhealed@gmail.com
Website: ww.angelashealingheart.com
Anita Bhardwaj - Instructor
Anita is an intuitive coach, holistic health professional, and workshop facilitator. Her passion in life is to help you to see yourself as the ‘shining light’ that you are. Anita guides and encourages you on your journey to self-fulfilment, self-love, joy and happiness. She is passionate about helping people around the world break through the cycle of distress and create harmony.
Email: anita@ambertreelife.com
Website: www.ambertreelife.com
Deborah Lacy
Deborah is a gifted practitioner and Art Psychotherapist. She is a no-nonsense therapist who will help you get to the core of your challenges and shift them. She skilfully combines creativity and complimentary therapies in a unique and dynamic way to help you feel empowered in the present. Her own experience of the strength and dedication that is required on the journey of personal transformation together with her commitment to learning has moulded her into the insightful professional she is today. Deborah loves swimming, yoga and being a mother. She is also a Tropic Skin Care Ambassador which is all about natural beauty, just like Deborah.
You can listen to Deborah lead the LT Flame of Truth Meditation by clicking here
Email: deborah@deborahlacy.co.uk
Donna Dawson
Donna is all about love and she holds the space for each person with deep tenderness and care. In her own life, she has moved through Lupus, and has been in remission for many years. It gives her great joy and strength when she shares her knowledge, understanding and skills. She can assist you on your journey to recovery and acceptance - to be yourself, to know yourself and to help yourself.
You can listen to Donna lead the LT Harmony in Daily Living Meditation by clicking here
Email: sensibholistics@gmail.com Website: www.sensibholistics.com
Dwi Santini
Dwi has been working in the wellness field for over 18 years, specifically in luxury resorts across Asia Pacific. A wife and mother of three boys, she has a compassionate and loving heart. A truth seeker, she has always been attracted to self-improvement and mindfulness. Dwi was awarded Spa & Wellness Hotelier of the year Asia in 2017 by Hotelier awards. Dwi loves serving people and creates an environment where people are inspired to greatness, and helps them achieve things that they never thought possible.
Email: dwi.santini@hotmail.com
Ranjana (&Eddie)
Appoo - Instructors
Ranjana continues the work she and Eddie began in 1997, a testament to their shared commitment to Love and Truth. Eddie’s presence endures within her, inspiring her from the ONE Heart. Her healing practice is deeply rooted in their unified connection with the SELF, shaped by their mutual experiences of God-Consciousness.
Ranjana and Eddie are the co-founders of LiberatingTouch®, authors of “Detachment-The Secret to Infinite Peace” and Directors of the LiberatingTouch Centre.
You can listen to Ranjana lead the LT Harmony in Daily Living Meditation by clicking here
Email: liberatingtouchcentre@gmail.com
Website: www.liberatingtouchcentre.com
Kate Sargeant
Kate is a nature-inspired guide and educator. As a mother, environmental scientist and thought-leader in sustainability and climate change, she brings clarity to complex issues. She works with governments, corporations and professionals to facilitate and create sustainable, future-fit solutions to global challenges. Kate also works with individuals, children and families; unravels their stories and helps map out new insights and ways to move forward. She uses her intuitive awareness and in-depth knowledge of nature to help individuals unlock their potential and tap into innate wisdom, bringing about balance and harmony.
Email: kate@acuityhouse.com
Marisha Horsman
Marisha is the founder of Nourishing Light, which is all about nourishing you and the Light you are. Marisha guides you along the path of radiant nourishment, that she herself has been travelling since 1998. By unravelling all you are not, and cultivating all that you are, you awaken to your radiant potential. This path begins with healing your relationship with food, embracing your body, to know and experience delight. A long-term love of Eastern philosophy, essential oils, wholefood nourishment, yoga, qigong and astrology inform her work.
You can listen to Marisha lead the All Encompassing Light Yoga Nidra by clicking here
Email: marisha@marishahorsman.com
Website: www.marishahorsman.com
Monica Furlan
Monica has the ability to listen deeply and hold a safe space for you to explore your feelings and your thoughts in a non-judgemental way. Her experiences as a human being, a mother, a traveller, an artist, an educator, a friend, a seeker informs her practice of kindness. She will be with you on your journey, supporting you to find your own way, to find joy ‘and the salt’ (flavour) in your life. She likes to use art during her sessions. She loves the sun and the sea.
Email address: monica_furlan@hotmail.com
Rosa Lopez
Rosa is dedicated to love and service. She has been working in wellness industry for over 20 years and as a beauty therapist educator for 15 years. Rosa is passionate about detachment, astrology, spirituality and loving God (each other).
She has translated the book “Detachment – The Secret to Infinite Peace” into Portuguese "Desapego – O Segredo para a Paz Infinita" and recorded the accompanying audios. You can find her most days in her beauty clinic at Parades De Coura, uplifting a friend, a client, a student with deep listening and Love.
Email address: rmpalopez@gmail.com
Shelley Chapman - Instructor
Shelley is a powerful change agent and has been working with major corporations, companies, entrepreneurs and individuals so that they can have the most effective and transformative leadership strategies and solutions in their hands. She serves by meeting whatever is presented to her with compassion and proactive clarity. Her aim is to help you find the key that will unlock and make real your potential.
Email: helloshelley@icloud.com
Wendy Turner
Wendy has been working for over 20 years assisting clients access the gift of connecting and exploring within, so they can understand why they have not fully created the life they desire. She creates a nurturing space where you can get to know and help yourself. She loves to educate, empower and inspire. She appreciates that the journey of self-discovery at times can be painful, as well as exhilarating but most of all it is liberating. When not in her clinic, she lectures Bachelor of Health Science students in Adelaide.
You can listen to Wendy lead an LT Sequence for "when you don't know when to begin" by clicking here
Email: info@wendy-turner.com
Website: www.wendy-turner.com
Welcome Home
A Call to Love
Return to Joy
Rest in the Self
Know Truth